Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Woohoo .... cruising into Des Moines

     Everybody said that day 3 would be a blast and it was!  The day started a lot colder and stayed cool and cloudy most of the day.  While some folks bundled up, I put on a light button down nylon shirt and took off enjoying the breeze.

     The ride was a leisurely cruise to Des Moines through beautiful farmland and picturesque towns.  

   One town offered the biggest craziest party to date on this RAGBRAI.  I was so big our group was split up by the crowd and never did reconvene until we were in camp.

   There were banana bikes, a couple fat tire bikes and even a unicycle out there today.  

    People out championing causes from the Atheists of Iowa to Art for El Salvador to the fund to make sure daughters don't have to wear their moms' prom dresses.  (No, I did not make that up.)

   There was wrestling in one town and lots of live music.  Towns today welcome the mass of riders with flags, free waters and milks, lots of high fives as you rode by, cow bells, hoot and hollers.

But mostly, today was beautiful scenery and homes.  I did not take a lot of photos because roads were pretty crowded and I was just flying along today ... at least it felt that way.


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